Botanical Gardens Adventure

Outdoor Gardens

Many visitors who pass by the University Circle Glass House expect that Botanical Garden is contained within the glass building.  However, there are many more outdoor gardens. Some are available year round, but others are only available during the spectacular summer season for viewing and enjoying nature all summer long.

There are eleven distinct collection gardens outdoors and they include:

  1. Gateway Garden

  2. Perennial Border

  3. Restorative Garden

  4. Children’s Garden

  5. Inspiration Gardens

  6. Japanese Garden

  7. Terrace

  8. Rose Garden

  9. Topiary Garden

  10. Herb Garden

  11. Woodland Garden

Initially designed by David Slawson in 1974, the Japanese rock stream garden with its iconic red bridge, a tea garden, and the wisteria-covered trellis which blooms each spring.   This garden regularly hosts wedding ceremonies.

The vegetable garden adjacent to the Hershey Children’s Garden.

An overhead view of the gardens during the summer where club meetings, events, and society meetings are held regularly.

The blooming Rose Garden.The blooming Rose Garden.


These photos are from:

Tittle, Diana, Ian Adams and Jeanie Jones. A Paradise in the City: Cleveland Botanical Garden. Orange Frazer Press, 2005.


One of the most popular gardens is the Hershey Children’s Garden.   The garden has a pond, a prairie, and woodland areas. Also a manicured flower garden and an interactive vegetable and herb garden. Children can search for turtles, frogs and fish or watch a honeybee hive. They can make a mud pie or play in the treehouse.  But what is most important is that as children play in nature they can learn why caring for the environment is important for everyone.


The Hershey Garden was opened in 1999 with a grant from the Hershey Foundation.  
Hershey Children's Garden

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