Botanical Gardens Adventure

Butterfly Garden of Costa Rica

The tropical rainforest of Costa Rica is the second habitat created in University Circle at the Cleveland Botanical Garden.  More than fifty different types of butterflies and birds flutter through out the habitat. The Botanical Garden allows visitors to witness the delicate balance between plants, animals, geology and climate, in this habitat they have made.

The rainforest has been created using towering tropical trees, a lush waterfall, blooming shrubs, and vegetation including orchids, bromeliads, and clinging vines. Trees including avocado, coffee, papaya, and chocolate regularly bloom and produce fruit.  

Butterflies and tiny birds fly throughout the canopy of lush foliage. The created environment is so realistic to the birds, that they often nest, lay eggs, and raise the next generation of young birds.  Caterpillars form chrysalis and butterflies are released daily in the Glass House.

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