12021-03-22T00:17:54-07:00Shayana Dabneybefcc36b81b0cfe78cbed1ad6096ec72c2d1f9a6387764plain2021-03-29T14:11:23-07:00Coby Grahama1b99e497b53828e921b48b6cf3feda7953a9440There are several major facets of the Niitsítapi tribal cosmology: the Na’pi, the Sun, and their medicine bundles. First, Na’pi is the most significant figure in this religion. Na’pi translates to ‘Old Man’. He is the originator of the world as well as the Niitsítapi tribe. His portrayal varies across accounts; sometimes he is referred to as wise, other times hapless. He is sometimes dour and sometimes mischievous. All of the magic in the world is derived from him. He once lived with the tribe but he left for the mountains, along with all of the buffalo. His return is fated. Next, is the sun. In some cases, the sun is thought to be equally as important as the Na’pi. It is represented as a god-like figure. They believe the sun to be the source of all good fortune in the world and is celebrated every year at the Sundance festival that takes place in midsummer each year. Blackfoot medicine buncdles were small kits that contained the necessary materials to perform a ritual. They were usually made of animal hides or cloth. They would be passed between persons as needed for their implementation.