In this moment, you realize the reason humans are so aggressive, always fighting, warring, trying to destroy each other...its because we made them this way. They were peaceful creatures before we interfered, before we experimented. We saw this as a weakness, so we toyed with them, made them competitive, by route of our own competition with each other. The rejects from our own planets, thrown to Earth over time...this was our last-ditch attempt to have something that could be ruled by us. We should've been working on "building newer, freer worlds," better than where we came from, but instead what we made was much worse. (Imarisha pg4). As human historians and us alike seemed to agree, "history had shown conclusively that [humanity] didn't need a complicated explanation as much as they needed a clear enemy to blame" (Phi, Revolution Shuffle). Warring races, religious zealotry, gender bias...all bred by our preconceived notions of what humanity should be. And here you are, sitting in a pile of the mess you've made due to your 'feminine irrationality.'
How could you not see it? As you embody everything wrong in the world, you only see the best in those you care for, and consistently, you are tossed aside.
No more of this. No more falling for tricks. No more forgetting your true purpose. You are Eris. The humans knew you as the goddess of chaos. You are still the same woman. No one could take that away.