Of the Gods

Impact Site: Zerelia East Crater

Cast from her home planet many millennia ago, Eris was one of the last to arrive on planet Earth during the Second Influx of Castaways. 

She came from a planet where her people were a minority, and looked quite different as well. They had green skin, black hair, and yellow-ish eyes.

She had been cast away with a few of her kind when sentenced for exile (for reasons unknown), though she was separated from her kin during the entrance to the Earthen atmosphere. An old flame of hers would land in what is now Egypt, while a childhood friend would touch ground in what is now modern India. 

She landed in what is now the Peloponnesian Peninsula, the crater where she left her mark in her Exilpod, now dubbed Zerelia East Crater by locals. The Zerelia West crater is close by. This was the landing spot of many of her colleagues in the Greek/Roman sector.

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