This is the greatest place to have surprises! Today was Inspection Day! It was sprung on us so unexpectedly that nothing really exciting happened. We were to have it next week the 10th and 11th but the “powers that be” telegraphed Tuesday that the inspector would arrive today to inspect the cadets. We didn’t have school so I celebrated by doing my washing that has collected during my poison oak siege and before. I expected the only next holiday would be Decoration Day, so this came as a pleasant surprise. I fear I would have been run out before Decoration Day if I hadn’t gotten to wash. I spent all morning at it, expecting to go and watch the boys drill this afternoon – and what did that old inspector do but go and excuse the boys this noon and say that they didn’t need to come back for any more inspection today. He said this was the best drilled cadet regiment he had inspected so far. So I didn’t get to see Inspection after all. I have spent the whole afternoon trying to write a song for the Home Economics Stunt at the Girls Stunt Show.
Miss Laughlin was here today and sand us some new songs and the old ones. She has two new verses to “K-K-Katy” but I haven’t learned them. I was hoping she would give some of us an inspiration for the Cauthorn Stunt. It looks as if it were going to be rather flat. No one is working. I hope we get something done soon. Some how I don’t think I ought to waste the time for it when there are so many things in school work to do.