Basketball Team
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Febuary 4th, 1917
I’m sitting up in bed with my “weapons of warfare” at my bed side for the purpose of doctoring my poison oak. This poison oak is a result of my hike out in the country with Al on Thursday afternoon. Exams were all over and I was willing to go on a lark – but the result wasn’t just what I appreciate. The poison didn’t come out until Friday night – and it is only on my face and neck. I’m doctoring it with hot soda water now as a last resort. Mrs. Haight has given me all of her other remedies but they don’t seem to help.
Exams went off pretty well until the last day. That was Wednesday morning and I had Food Prep and Psych – one right after the other – and neither one were snaps. I’m holding my breath to see if I got thru in either of them. Then Martha Bichen gave me something to think about Wednesday evening when she came over to have dinner with Etta Grimes. She said she went into the Registrar’s office and asked Mr. Tennaut for some work to do between semesters. He looked at her and said “Not for you, I’ve heard you’ve been working too hard.” She laughed and said he must be mistaken in his party. The he asked – “No, aren’t you the Y.W. president?” When she corrected him, he begged her pardon and excused himself by saying that he always mixed us up – and couldn’t tell which was which. But what bothers me is what could occasion such a report being sent to the registrar? and who could have sent it? I was really flattering myself that I was getting pretty fair grades this semester – now I may have occasion to change my mind.
Wednesday night I went to that dance. Amy didn’t stay, but Al asked me to go and insisted on it so strongly that I finally consented to go. I was really scared before I got there because I hadn't been to a dance since I was a Rookess except the Co-ed Balls, and I wasn’t sure how to act. But I got along splendidly and had some very nice dances. Still – I’m not very wild about it, for some how I like to dance with girls better than boy. As a rule girls are better dancers than boys, and I’m certain that Amy is a better leader than most of those boys I danced with. Al was just learned but he did very well.
Thursday night I took a whole bunch of Freshman girls to the C.E. Union Social at the Women’s Gym. Al asked to take me but I thought since I had been out all afternoon with him I had better let him rest. I had a fairly good time – altho I was too tired to enjoy much of anything. I was so tired that all the games and stunts looked silly and senseless to me – which shows that something had happened for I usually enjoy games etc.
Friday I worked hard all day – washing, ironing, pressing and mending besides working for a couple of hours in basketry lab and spending an hour at Shepard talking to Miss Frances. Friday – all day I had a “indigo” case of the blues. If I had been a little youngster I would have been accused of having the sulks, but I couldn’t even locate the cause of it. It seemed to be inside – and stirring me all up – but I just couldn’t get at the cause. I finally got rid of it however by talking to Marilla ad going to see Mabelle Davis after supper. Mabelle has a position to teach and isn’t going back to school this next semester. She had been out teaching Friday and gave us such graphic description of her school that I forget to be blue.
Yesterday, I spent cleaning down stairs and here in my room. I also mended and ironed some more. I was determined to get all of my washing and ironing done before school began next semester.
Last night Eva Dunning and some freshman girls and I went to the basket ball game between Pacific University and OAC. We won of course – I’ve forgotten just how much – 56-8, I think it was. After we came back Elva Smith invited a bunch of us down to her room to have popcorn apples, cocoa and waffers – I went down for a while but my poison oak got to itching so badly, I came home, took a bath and went to bed. It bothered all night, so when it was time for me to get up to do my work I didn’t feel like it, and went ad asked Martha Apadal to do it for me. I am still in bed and it is 3 PM. I haven’t even dressed or combed my hair all day. I think I will get up and go to church this evening if I feel better by then. Amy is coming tonight so I’ll have to get up before she comes back.