March 13th, 1917
Lots of things have happened since I wrote in here last, but some how I haven’t had the courage to write them down.
I’m no longer Y.W. president. We had the election last Saturday (Mar 10) and when the results were read you could have knocked me over with a feather. Ruth Kennedy was elected president. She isn’t a church member much less a Christian. I don’t know what to do about it unless we get her to join a church at once – and I don’t want to have her do it just because she is T.W. president. It looks bad. I’ll be mortified to death to tell Miss Hopkins when she comes this Saturday that our new president is not a church member and never attended the Y.W. but twice this year. It’s a nice mess were into – but I am praying that it will all come out for the best.
Amy is getting to like the practice house now. She didn’t at first – but it is getting a little easier now. She likes to live with Katherine, altho she and Katherine don’t seem to live so happily with Gladys. The three of them have one room, one of them is at outs with Glad all the time about something. Of course, on the surface they are very friendly but in reality there is always a “thorn in the flesh”. One thing that makes me, just sick is that Amy will fo to shows with Katherine on Sabbath. She has permission from her folks and doesn’t seem to see any wrong with it. As a Catholic, Katherine naturally doesn’t see any wrong either. How I wish I knew how to let Amy see what she is missing!
The Barometer today says “We have observed that Al. O.M. refuses to run for the president of Y.M. He is too busy running for the president of the Y.W.”
I guess we have been together a lot lately. Its funny when it began. I cant tell when he started being so attentive. Still he is – and most of the time I don’t mind it. Other times I just rebell and think I cant stand him. He is nice, however, and has taken me out more than any one else. In fact, I haven’t gone with anyone else at all. Still, I’m not giving up hope for “the” one to appear.