Malamud at Oregon State: A Digital Humanities ProjectMain MenuBernard Malamud Letter NetworkA New Life: Reception HistoryA New Life: Political ContextA New Life: Textual InvestigationsOSU Digital Humanities Projectsbd0b4ebe79ad6bbe763699219cf0533090b29800
Unknown (Hungarian), p.4 (original)
12016-03-12T13:47:09-08:00Hayley Trowbridge27987a42b82c5537ef7c6470e94e00396bc1a5d574611Sükösd Mihál, Budapest, Hungary (?)plain2016-03-12T13:47:09-08:00Hayley Trowbridge27987a42b82c5537ef7c6470e94e00396bc1a5d5
"It takes place in the fictitious small town in one of the western states in America...He abandons his former way of life, leaves New York and intends to begin 'a new life' in the west by engaging in activities which are useful in society and will render his satisfaction."