Malamud at Oregon State: A Digital Humanities Project

Political Context: Acknowledgements

We would be remiss if we didn't cap this chapter of the "Malamud at Oregon State" book without acknowledging all those who aided us along the way.

First and foremost, thank you to Dr. Raymond Malewitz and Dr. Ehren Pflugfelder for bringing a Digital Humanities course to Oregon State. Thank you for leading the way in research, and getting us to a point where we could visualize the project. Thanks for putting up with our endless emails and questions, and encouraging us constantly.

To the Special Collections and Archives Research Center (SCARC) at Oregon State University: We would not have any material to put on this page if not for you. Thanks for leading us in the right direction and getting just as excited about this project as we were. You're an incredible resource, staffed by incredible people.

To Bernard Malamud: Thanks for penning A New Life in 1961, and opening our eyes to the wonders of a college campus in the midst of the Red Scare. Thank you for creating characters worthy to be read.


Adrienne Engle | Paul Lantow | Jessica Tran
(Students of the Winter 2016 Digital Humanities course at Oregon State University)

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