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Hartford Courant
12016-03-13T11:41:09-07:00Hayley Trowbridge27987a42b82c5537ef7c6470e94e00396bc1a5d574611Jack Zaiman, Hartford, CTplain2016-03-13T11:41:09-07:00SCARC at Oregon State University12/24/1961Hayley Trowbridge27987a42b82c5537ef7c6470e94e00396bc1a5d5
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12016-03-13T11:45:51-07:00Hartford Courant1plain2016-03-13T11:45:51-07:00SCARC at Oregon State University12/24/1961
"Professor's Way"
by Jack Zaiman, Hartford, CT
December 24, 1961
"A young teacher, Seymour Levin, comes to a town in the Pacific Northwest to teach at Cascadia College."