Ballads and Performance: The Multimodal Stage in Early Modern England

"She’s Crafty, She Gets Around: Women’s Craft and Commodification in Ballads"

These include: “Crafty Kate of Cholchester,” c. 1688, Crawford 1432, EBBA 34124; “The Shooemaker Out-witted: Or, The Gentlecraft’s Man Cunningly Catch’d by a Crafty Lass of Surry,” c. 1684-1700, Pepys 3.271, EBBA 21285; “The Crafty Miss” c. 1671-1702, Pepys 3.275, EBBA 21288; “The Crafty Miss,” 1675, Roxburghe 2.577, EBBA 31195; “The Crafty Miss,” c. 1672-1702,Crawford 1155, EBBA 33873; “Taylor’s Lamentation. Shewing how he pick’d up a crafy [sic] Miss…,” c. 1675-1696, Crawford 556, EBBA 32988; “The Crafty Maid,” c. 1672-1696, Roxburghe 2.96, EBBA 30562; “The Crafty Maid,” c. 1672-1696, Crawford 661, EBBA 33275; “The Crafty Maid,” c. 1672-1696, Huth EBB65H 1.53, EBBA 35154; “The Crafty Maids Invention,” 1689, Pepys 5.228, EBBA 22063; “The Crafty Maid’s Approbation,” c. 1693-1695, Roxburghe 2.97, EBBA 30563; “The Crafty Maids Approbation,” c. 1678-1680, Euing 36, EBBA 31687; “The Crafty Maid’s Approbation,” c. 1693-1695, Euing 37, 31688; “The Crafty Maid’s Approbation,” c. 1693-1694, Crawford 325, 32897; “An Excellent New Song, Call’d The Crafty Maid,” c. 1688-1703, Pepys 5.242, EBBA 22077; “The Crafty Maid of the West,” c. 1672-1696, Pepys 4.17, EBBA 21684; “The Crafty Maid of the West,” c. 1672-1696, Huth EB65 1, EBBA 34620; “The Crafty Maid of the West,” c. 1672-1696, Crawford 1415, EBBA 33941; “The Crafty Miss of London,” c. 1672-1696, Pepys 4.59, EBBA 21725; “The Trappan’d Maltster: Or The Crafty Ale-Wife,” c. 1671-1702, Pepys 3.277, EBBA 21291; “The Dyer Deceiv’d: Or, The Crafty Wives Policy,” c. 1685-1688, Pepys 4.16, EBBA 21790; “The Crafty Lass of the West,” c. 1675-1696, Pepys 4.7, EBBA 21674; “The Crafty Lass of the West,” c. 1675-1696, Crawford 197, EBBA 33175; “The Crafty Lass of the West,” c. 1675-1696, Huth EBB65H 1.52, EBBA 35153; “The Country Cozen: Or The Crafty City Dame,” c. 1672-1696, Pepys 3.249, EBBA 21263; “The Innocent Shepherd and the Crafty Wife,” c. 1685-1688, Crawford 1056, EBBA 33656; “Innocent Shepherd and the Crafty Wife,” c. 1685-1688, Pepys 3.209, EBBA 21222; “The Innocent Shepherd and the Crafty Wife,” c. 1680-1695, Huth EBB65 1, EBBA 34965.

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