Bibliography for "She’s Crafty, She Gets Around: Women’s Craft and Commodification in Ballads" -- Kris McAbee, University of Arkansas, Little Rock
The BITER BITTEN, OR, The Broker well-fitted by the Joyner, and the Joyners Wife. This Crafty Knave, thought to Inslave, in sending for his Wife; The Gold they keep, and he may Weep, to mend his Wicked Life. 1685-1688. Magdalene College, Pepys 3.144. EBBA 21156. English Broadside Ballad Archive, edited by Patricia Fumerton.
Brown, Pamela. Better a Shrew than a Sheep: Women, Drama, and the Culture of Jest in Early Modern England. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 2003.
The Country Cozen: Or The Crafty City Dame. Who invited a Gentleman to her House in Womans apparel, whereby her Husband was deceived, he taking him for a she Country Cozen, and how he found out, and punished the Deceipt. 1672-1696? Magdalene College, Pepys 3.249. EBBA 21263. English Broadside Ballad Archive, edited by Patricia Fumerton.
Coy Mogy: Or, The Scotch Lass's Lamentation for the Loss of her three Lovers, Jemmy, Jockey and Sawny, Whom she lost by her Cruel Frowns. 1690-1700? Magdalene College, Pepys 5.265. EBBA 22100. English Broadside Ballad Archive, edited by Patricia Fumerton.
The Crafty BARBER of Debtford You Debtford Women all beware of this same Crafty Barber: For when he gets between your Arms There he takes up his harbour. 1651-1686? National Library of Scotland Crawford 229. EBBA 33242. English Broadside Ballad Archive, edited by Patricia Fumerton.
Crafty KATE of CHOLCHESTER: OR, THE False hearted Clothier Frighted into good manners. 1688-1695? National Library of Scotland, Crawford EB 1432. EBBA 34124. English Broadside Ballad Archive, edited by Patricia Fumerton.
THE Crafty Lass of the West: Or, A Pleasant Ditty of a modest Maid, who Mortgag'd her Maiden-Head for a High-Crown'd Hat. 1675-1696? Magdalene College, Pepys 4.7. EBBA 21674. English Broadside Ballad Archive, edited by Patricia Fumerton.
The Crafty Maid of the West: OR, The lusty brave Miller of the Western Parts finely trapan'd. A merry new Song to fit Young-men and Maids. 1672-1696? Magdalene College, Pepys 4.17. EBBA 21684. English Broadside Ballad Archive, edited by Patricia Fumerton.
The Crafty Maid: OR The young Man put to his Trumps. He did begin to Wooe this Maid But she not believed one word he said; She put him off then, with a Jear, And sent him away with a Flea in's Ear. 1672-1696? British Library, Roxburghe 2.96. EBBA 30562. English Broadside Ballad Archive, edited by Patricia Fumerton.
The Crafty MAID's APPROBATION: Wherein she shews either Black or Brown, 'Tis Mony makes them straight go down; When pretty Girls that Gold has none, Their fortune is still to lie alone. 1693-1695? British Library, Roxburghe 2.97. EBBA 30563. English Broadside Ballad Archive, edited by Patricia Fumerton.
THE Crafty Maids Invention. Or her Council To all Young MAIDS How to chuse good Husbanes, Or, A single life is best. 1689. Magdalene College, Pepys 5.228. EBBA 2206. English Broadside Ballad Archive, edited by Patricia Fumerton.
The Crafty MISS of London: Or, The FRYAR well Fitted. 1672-1696? Magdelene College, Pepys 4.59. EBBA 21725. English Broadside Ballad Archive, edited by Patricia Fumerton.
The Crafty MISS: Or, An Excise man well fitted. Being a true Relation of an Excise-man, who lately in the County of Kent, had received the Sum of Four-score-pounds and lighting into the company of a Crafty Miss who gave him the Chouse for it all; and riding away with his Gelding, left in the stead a Mare which she had stole, for which Mare he was Arraigned, and narrowly escaped the severe penalty of the Law: Which may be a sufficient warning to all Excise-men far and near, to amend their lives, to hate a Miss, and love their Wives. 1671-1702? Magdalene College, Pepys 3.274. EBBA 21288. English Broadside Ballad Archive, edited by Patricia Fumerton.
The DYER Deceiv'd; OR, The Crafty WIVES Policy. She with her Friend some time did spend, yet by her Husband crost; Yet I admit, the Womans Wit did bring her off at last. 1685-1688. Magdalene College, Pepys 4.16. EBBA 21790. EBBA 21288. English Broadside Ballad Archive, edited by Patricia Fumerton.
An excellent new SONG, call'd, The CRAFTY MAID: OR, THE Batchellour Outwitted. BEING A Relation how a Batchellor was bawk'd, after he had given ten Shillings, and a blew pair of Stockens, for a Maiden head. 1688-1703? Magdalene College, Pepys 5.242. EBBA 22077. English Broadside Ballad Archive, edited by Patricia Fumerton.
An Excellent New SONG, Call'd, The LADY'S Policy; OR, The Baffled Knight. 1693. Magdalene College, Pepys 5.169. EBBA 22430. English Broadside Ballad Archive, edited by Patricia Fumerton.
The Fair MAID of Islington; OR, The London Vintner Over-reach'd. This is a pritty Fancy if you mind, He thought to fool her, since she was so kind. Bu she was Crafty, and resolv'd to fit him, And in the end it prov'd she did out-wit him; She for her Seller made him pay her Rent, As by a wile, which made him to repent. 1684-1686. Magdalene College, Pepys 3.258. EBBA 21273. English Broadside Ballad Archive, edited by Patricia Fumerton.
The Faithful Maid, and the Faithless Young Man. This young man Wooed a Maiden fair, Till he had brought her to Despair: He prov'd so disloyal in every thing, That caused her this song to sing. And wishes Maidens all a row To take heed of false tongues where (e'r they go. 1674-1679. Magdalene College, Pepys 4.54. EBBA 21720. English Broadside Ballad Archive, edited by Patricia Fumerton.
The fickle Northern Lass: OR, The Wronged Shepherds Resolution. He thought himself the Jolliest of the crew, Whilst that his Love remained firm and true; But the false Maid did prove to him disloyal, And was not constant to abide the Tryal; which made him to resolve thus in his mind Never to trust no more to Women-kind. 1674-1679. British Library, Roxburghe 2.161. EBBA 30639. English Broadside Ballad Archive, edited by Patricia Fumerton.
THE Innocent Shepherd and the Crafty Wife Or, A Dialogue between a Shepherd and his Love. Brethren, see here what some are Born unto, If it's your Birth-right, what should Women do? Kind thing they think, they do all for the best, but so or not, we must Contented rest. 1685-1688. National Library of Scotland, Crawford 1056. EBBA 33656. English Broadside Ballad Archive, edited by Patricia Fumerton.
The Scotch Hay-Makers: Or, Crafty Jockey's Courtship to Coy Jenny of Edenborough. 1683-1703? Magdalene College, Pepys 5.266. EBBA 22101. English Broadside Ballad Archive, edited by Patricia Fumerton.
Scotch Souldiers Kindness. It being the Sorrowful Ditty of Fifty Young Damsels of Southwark, who lately lost their Maiden-heads with those Valiant Souldiers lately Quartered in the Place. Stout Souldiers then are Valiant Men, Their Fame will ever Ring, We may admit that they should get Brave Souldiers for the KING: In Warlike Fights, both Lords and Knights, And Valiant Souldiers dye, Then well may they with Damsels play, To get a New Supply. 1671-1685? British Library, Roxburghe 2.418. EBBA 30861. English Broadside Ballad Archive, edited by Patricia Fumerton.
Shakespeare, William. The Riverside Shakespeare, 2nd ed., edited by G. Blakemore Evans London: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1974.
The Shooemaker Out-witted: OR, The Gentlecraft's Man cunningly Catch'd by a Crafty Lass of SURRY. 1684-1700? Magdalene College, Pepys 3.271. EBBA 21285. English Broadside Ballad Archive, edited by Patricia Fumerton.
The Subtile Damosel: Or, Good Counsel for Maids. Wherein she shews to every Maiden fair, To take heed of false young men wherever they are: For Frummety Dick doth love well the Kettle, And porrige pot Will is a man of great mettle. 1676-1685? Houghton Library, Huth EBB65H 2.254. EBBA 34702. English Broadside Ballad Archive, edited by Patricia Fumerton.
THE Taylor's Lamentation. Shewing how he pick'd up a crafty Miss, who left him sleeping in Bed, and taking his Cloaths, Watch and Money, so that he was forc'd to send for his Wife, which added much to his grief. 1675-1696? National Library of Scotland, Crawford 556. EBBA 32988. English Broadside Ballad Archive, edited by Patricia Fumerton.
The Trappan'd Maultster: OR, The Crafty Ale=Wife. Plainly shewing how a Maultster in the County of Hartford, did earnestly solicit an honest Ale-wife who being a good comely woman that she would consent to his will, which she often refused, but seeing he was the more urgent, she at last seemingly consented, and appointed the time when he might come, which at legnth proved contrary to his expectation, as you may find by these following Lines. 1671-1702? Magdalene College, Pepys 3.277. EBBA 21291. English Broadside Ballad Archive, edited by Patricia Fumerton.
The Undutiful Daughter of Devonshire: OR, The careful Kind indulgent Fathers Entreaties for her to forsake her Lover a Spend-thrift, and to Embrace a Farmers hopeful Son. 1675-1696? Magdelene College, Pepys 3.388. EBBA 21404. English Broadside Ballad Archive, edited by Patricia Fumerton.
The VIRGIN's COMPLAINT AGAINST Young MENS Unkindness. Of young Mens falshood she doth much complain, Resolving never to love Man again: Experience tells her Men love but for fashion, That makes her rail against them in such passion. 1693-1695? National Library of Scotland, Crawford 566. EBBA 32999. English Broadside Ballad Archive, edited by Patricia Fumerton.
The Wand'ring Virgin; Or, The Coy Lass well fitted, OR, the Answer to the wandering Maiden. Virgins whose coyness & disdain does (prove The fatal ruin of cemented Love, Learn, and beware lest you like me cry out I'le find my Love, or search the world about. 1672-1696? Magdelene College, Pepys 3.125. EBBA 21135. English Broadside Ballad Archive, edited by Patricia Fumerton.
The West-Country Wedding. Betwixt Roger the Plowman, and Ellin the Dary-Maid. With the Sorrowful moan of twenty or thirty forsaken Damosels, whereof fifteen being with- Child, sounded forth their sorrowful Lamentations on Rogers Wedding-day. 1671-1702? Magdalene College, Pepys 4.108. EBBA 21772. English Broadside Ballad Archive, edited by Patricia Fumerton.
The VVestminister Frolick: Or, The Cuckold of his own procuring. Being a true Relation of a Vintener, who for a considerable quantity of Guinnies undertook to perswade his Servant Maid to prostitute her self to a young Spark, pretending to her that it was no other but himself; whereupon she seemingly complying, discovered it to her Mistriss, who supplying her place, grafted her Husbands Head. Thus may we see how scurvy ill-Star'd fate Does cross some men, nay how they do create Their own misfortunes, yet for to be bold The Vintener got his Horns well tipt with (Gold. 1681-1684. Magdalene College, Pepys 4.131. EBBA 21795. English Broadside Ballad Archive, edited by Patricia Fumerton.