Ballads and Performance: The Multimodal Stage in Early Modern England

"She’s Crafty, She Gets Around: Women’s Craft and Commodification in Ballads"

“An Excellent New Song, Call'd, The Lady’s Policy; Or, The Baffled Knight,” 1693, Pepys 5.169, EBBA 22430; “The Baffled Knight: Or, The Lady’s Policy.” Date unknown, Roxburghe 3.674-675, EBBA 31426; “The Lady's Policy; Or, The Baffled Knight,” c. 1736-1762, HEH 289758, EBBA 32490. This was apparently a rather popular ballad, published in separate parts as the response ballads “An Answer to the Baffl’d Knight” and “The Third Part of the Baffl’d Knight,” and then anthologized as “The Ladie’s Policy.” The ballad was popular enough that “The Baffled Knight” is the standard title for the tune for this ballad and at least three others.

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