Arab Literary Travels

Michael Espersen: Conclusion

This is the page in which I am to discuss asked in the class and provide my thoughts about the project, what changed my mind, what new ideas other people provided me, etc. I had studied the Arab-Israeli wars for many years and so this project allowed me to use my knowledge on a subject on which I know a good deal to good use. Americans know virtually nothing about the Arab-Israeli wars because the education system did not see fit to teach anyone about them, and so Americans' opinions on the conflict are to a great degree based on prevailing and largely inaccurate narratives in the media. Americans must know the history of the Arab-Israeli wars before being able to come to an informed opinion on which side is responsible for causing the conflict, and in order to do this they must familiarize themselves with the work of the Arab and Israeli historians who have studied the conflict for decades.

During the class discussion I was asked how I would plot out the map, since I did not have it at the time. My answer was I would put the markers on where the Israeli army was positioned from the north and the south of the city before they engaged in a two pronged assault on the city from both directions, and then showing the direction of their advance as well as the final marker displaying the Jordanian side of the border where over 40,000 Palestinians (from both Lydda and Ramle, which were conquered at the same time) were forced to find refuge. I appreciated this question and it allowed me to show in a physical way the direction in which the Israelis carried out the attack. The most important part of the question, however, and the most significant takeaway, is that many of those people who fled the attack on Lydda continued their lives in Jordan, and their descendants still live, and are still unallowed to return to the land of their parents and grandparents by Israel. This is the true nature of the Arab-Israeli conflict in the modern day.

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