CERMINARA-Ancient Greek Figurines
Figurines made of Terracotta were popular in ancient Greece and were found during archeological excavations, some in complete form and some in fragments with pieces missing. It is said that these figurines were used for multiple purposes wether it was for decorations in houses, charms to ward off evil, cult images, and also used as offerings to the gods in sanctuaries. When used as offerings, these figurines were usually deposited into the graves of the deceased to stand as gifts or protective devices for the dead, or also as cherished possessions of the dead. It is also said that these figurines were possibly used as children's toys acting as dolls, but some have dismissed this theory due to the fact that the figurines are too fragile, but one may never fully know. However, we do know that it is clear that there was not jus one function for these figurines, there were numerous functions and meanings for them. This exhibit will show some examples of popular ancient Greek figurines and their significance.