Archaeology of a Book: An experimental approach to reading rare books in archival contextsMain MenuIntroductionReading the First Books is an exploration of America's earliest printed booksPath: ProductionThis path explores the narratives of production embedded in the material qualities of the Advertencias.Path: CollectionPath describes the collection of early printed books in religious libraries across Mexico. 16-18th centuries.Path: AcquisitionPath describes the dispersal of early printed books in libraries and private collections beyond Mexican borders.Path: (Digital) FuturesBook history in a digital futureReferencesReferences, citations, and further readingTermsIndex of termsAuthorship & AcknowledgementsHannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255LLILAS Benson Latin American Studies and Collection
12015-05-06T17:40:35-07:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c225543582plain2015-05-06T17:44:33-07:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255COMPVESTAS POR EL PADRE Fray Ioan Bauti|ta, del Orden del Seraphico Padre Sanct Franci|co, Lector de Theologia, y Guardian del Conuento de Sanctiago Tla- tilulco: dela Prouincia del Sancto Eungelio
Contents of this annotation:
12015-02-20T19:14:49-08:00AnonymousStandard Title Page, Primera Parte, Advertencias....7Title Page: Advertencias para los confessores de los naturales, by Juan Bautista, printed by Melchor Ocharte (1600). Text reads: "Advertencias. Para los confessores de los Naturales. Compuestas por el padre Fray Ioan Baptista, de la Orden del Seraphico Padre Sanct Francisco, Lector de Theologia, y Guardian del Convento de Sanctiago Tlatilulco: de la Provincia del Sancto Evangelio. Primera Parte. [Shield in round, decorated border. Interior divided in three. Crossed hands with stigmata in upper right corner.] Con previlegio. En Mexico, En el convento de Sanctiago Tlatilulco, Por M. Ocharte. Año 100." Facsimile of a copy held by the Benson Latin American Collection.plain2016-02-09T13:05:19-08:001600pl_blac_047Benson Latin American CollectionJuan BautistaPrimeros LibrosHannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255