Adobe Creative Cloud Across the Curriculum: A Guide for Students and TeachersMain MenuIntroduction: What Do You Want to Create Today?Adobe Creative Cloud Across the CurriculumAdobe Creative Cloud: What Is It? How Does It Work?Adobe Creative Cloud Across the CurriculumImages: Photographs, Illustrations, GraphicsAdobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Spark PostPrint: Magazines, Books, Documents, ResumesAdobe InDesign, AcrobatAudiovisual: Video, Film, AnimationAdobe Premiere Pro, Audition, After Effects, Premiere Clip, and Spark VideoSound: Podcast, Soundtrack, Voice-over, MusicAdobe Audition, Premiere ProPresentation: Speech, Lecture, Talk, PitchAdobe Spark Page, InDesignPortfolio: Showcase, Dossier, CollectionAdobe Portfolio and BehanceTodd Taylor040585dacbb7e1caa116d4fd9bc26ee5feb34450
Chapter Eight: Website, Mobile App, ebook
1media/ADO_Webjpg_XD.jpg2017-07-17T18:58:36-07:00Todd Taylor040585dacbb7e1caa116d4fd9bc26ee5feb34450201643Adobe Creative Cloud Across the Curriculumplain2017-08-03T17:04:47-07:00Todd Taylor040585dacbb7e1caa116d4fd9bc26ee5feb34450[Chapter Eight here]