Adobe Creative Cloud Across the Curriculum: A Guide for Students and Teachers

5D: Gallery of Teaching Modules and Student Work

Adobe Premier Pro: Creating a Service Learning Documentary Film
This project assignment asks students to make a service learning documentary film instead of a conventional research paper. As such, the assignment could be used in any class across the curriculum in which you might make a conventional paper-based research paper.

Adobe Premier Pro: Creating an Homage to Learn about Film
This project assignment asks students in a college-level introduction to film class to re-create a 2-3 minute scene from a film on our syllabus as authentically as possible. The principle behind this assignment is that the best way to learn about "how film works" is to make one yourself.  

Adobe Premier Pro: Creating a Public Service Announcement
This is a project for a video-production class. It consists of the students editing supplied video clips, creating audio overlays, shooting a green screen clip and keying it in Premiere Pro. Creating from Photoshop a interactive menu to be used within Encore to create a DVD. The students work within teams and coordinate their efforts. We use one of our classrooms as the shooting stage and also for recording voice overs for the video.

Adobe Premier Pro: Creating a Film as a "How To" Tutorial
The tutorial is simple to follow and students will learn a lot of practical steps that can be used in other video editing projects. Students will note how this backpackers used images of their accommodation using a fisheye lens style which is easily achievable using Premier effects, and great for marketing things like images of room size without looking cheap. On completion of students watching the tutorial, it would be advantageous to pose the following questions: What are the main elements of Premier Pro used in this project? Can you think of any other skills that you would like to learn to create better HD video intros?

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