ADHD: Alternative Treatments

Shortcomings of ADHD Medications

The long term effects of ADHD medications have been debated and are currently a popular area of research. There have been confirmed long term effects of stimulant medication use and there are many plausible theories that surround the use of ADHD medications.

Growth Hindrance: 
The most prominent shortcoming associated with the use of ADHD medications is stunted growth. In a study published in 2015 by Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, body measurements were taken from 410 children and adolescents who had been using stimulant medications long term. This research found that stimulant medication use is correlated with a reduction in body weight and a temporary stunt in growth.

Low body weights and stimulant medication use are commonly linked because these medications act to suppress appetite. This side effect is particularly dangerous for children and adolescents, coincidentally the age groups that are prescribed a majority of the ADHD medications, because proper nutrition is important for development and growth during these critical periods of life. It may also be implied that if the body is not being supplied with proper nutrients, it will have negative effects on cognitive development and function as well. 


Substance Abuse:
Ritalin, Adderall, and Concerta are all stimulant medications and so are cocaine, methamphetamine (crystal meth), and nicotine. There have been concerns surrounding the use of stimulant medications to treat childhood ADHD because dependence on the drug could lead to abuse of illegal stimulants later on in life. Substance abuse concerns are posted on the front page of most ADHD medication websites. 


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