ADHD: Alternative Treatments

Common Misconceptions

Behavior is commonly discussed across mediums as a cause of ADHD or ADHD-like symptoms. Scholarly journal articles, which are based off medical research, discuss unacceptable behavior as a symptom of ADHD in a child that can be managed with medications and behavior therapy. Social media sources such as Facebook feature pages for alternative treatments like Ayurveda where some people discuss behavior as the cause of ADHD and behavior therapy as a cure. As a parent on social media, you will see more sources telling you what caused your child to act a certain way and that behavior therapy can cure them rather than what caused their symptoms and how to help them manage it. This is not necessarily true, but the cause and cure tactic that is used by advertisements and by people on social media is often what leads to misrepresentations of treatments in media. The main goal of any treatment for ADHD (medicine, behavior therapy, parent training ect.) is to treat the symptoms of the disorder and help your child to manage their ADHD or ADHD-like symptoms.


After discussing these common misconceptions about ADHD we will discuss alternative treatments that have been proven to be effective in some cases. Something interesting I want you to notice is that the following targets for ADHD cause are used as the focal point for alternative treatments.


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