ADHD: Alternative Treatments

Behavior Therapy

Behavior therapy is intended to help a child improve upon their self-control and self-esteem. Typically this treatment involves a child working one on one with a therapist to treat their ADHD symptoms. For some children this may involve making lists and developing an understanding for being a task-oriented individual. Other children may benefit from learning techniques to control their anger such deep breathing or expressing to someone what made them upset. Behavior is a complicated component of ADHD, and this treatment method works to improve upon individual characteristics of a person with ADHD.

The Linehan Institute was founded by Marsha Linehan, the developer of Dialctic Behavior Therapy (DBT). DBT focuses on a one-on-one approach to treating behavior with an individual and a DBT therapist. The aim to provided structured behavioral therapy, tracking of emotions between session, skilled meetings that teach new skills each week such as a social tip, skills coaching which involves full access to a DBT coach and team. For some meetings it is recommended to invite parents or other family members, but the main aim is to individualize a plan for you with a therapist. DBT is not a treatment that is specific to ADHD but has been found effective in treating the uncontrollable impulses some people with ADHD suffer from. Here's a further definition of DBT provided by the Linehan Institute. 

In my dataset, 81% of my 11 sources referenced behavior as a cause or symptom of ADHD. In this particular set of data, there were multiple references to mood swings and threats to overall health if ADHD was not managed. Threats are a common tactic used by media sources to instill fear and anxiety in parents and other viewers to have their child or themselves assessed for ADHD.


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