A Snapshot of You: Writing a Cultural Vignette

Do Some Exploring

There's thousands of other authors out there, many of whom have written their own vignettes! Maybe Sandra Cisneros or David Levithan aren't really the kind of authors you'd like to model your work after. No big deal!
So that you feel comfortable with multiple voices, lengths, themes, and tones of vignettes, it's now your job to make yourself even more familiar with them! 

Attached here and here are more examples of vignette writing.
Comment below something new you discover by looking through the attached sites.

You can find a list of popular books, written in the style of vignettes at Goodreads.com
Find a book that looks interesting to you, and that is available at the school library, check out your selection, and bring it to class for some vignette reading next Tuesday! 

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