A Case of HysteriaMain MenuThe Altogether Shocking History of Women’s Mental HealthThe Anatomy of InsanityThe Wandering WombTheater Of The HystericsFather Freud Knows BestThis Place Will Make You CrazyThe Water CureHysterical ParoxysmThis Lobotomy Won't Hurt A BitShe Must Be MadShock The Pain AwayJust A Touch Of ElectricityA Home For Inebriates And The InsaneThe Inmates Aren't Running The AsylumAgnes RichardsThe Ladies of RockhavenBaby BluesMaybe She's Born With ItStay Subservient!The Cost of Going Crazy in CaliforniaTill Commitment Do We PartAdditional Artifacts from Patton State Hospital, ca. 1930-1950Anne-Marie Maxwell
Stories From The Sanatorium
1media/Header Image - Stories From The Sanatorium.jpg2020-04-01T15:08:43-07:00Anne-Marie Maxwell326ac6eff123bb3f77fb517c66299be8b435b4793698015image_header9781292020-04-27T09:25:43-07:00Tyson Gaskill93cb401bee8f73160b4c4378060de7643c42eee9Susan Kaysen and Frances Farmer’s memoirs are chilling testaments to how generations of female patients were institutionalized against their will and suffered dehumanizing treatment. In her posthumously published Will There Really Be a Morning? the well-known Hollywood actress Farmer describes her terror-filled stay at Western State Hospital in Washington, being raped by orderlies, besieged by rats, and given tainted food. Girl Interrupted details Kaysen’s experience in the 1960s in a psychiatric hospital, where she was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and involuntarily committed for a year. Published in 1964, I Never Promised You a Rose Garden offers a more holistic view of mental health care. Author Joanne Greenberg, writing as Hannah Green, describes the trust that can form between a therapist and patient. To promote reflective approaches to treatment in the late 1980s, the California Department of Mental Health published a collection of artistic testimonies by mental health clients entitled People Say I’m Crazy. The Well-Being Project demonstrates how creative outlets can give voice to the voiceless during their time of crisis.
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1media/Splash Hysteria.jpg2020-04-10T15:45:06-07:00Anne-Marie Maxwell326ac6eff123bb3f77fb517c66299be8b435b479A Case of Hysteria?Curtis Fletcher14book_splash2020-05-04T16:10:49-07:00Curtis Fletcher3225f3b99ebb95ebd811595627293f68f680673e
1media/Girl Interrupted_thumb.jpg2020-04-07T13:03:11-07:00Anne-Marie Maxwell326ac6eff123bb3f77fb517c66299be8b435b479Susanna Kaysen, Girl Interrupted (New York: Turtle Bay, 1993)3media/Girl Interrupted.jpgplain2020-05-07T09:41:06-07:00Anne-Marie Maxwell326ac6eff123bb3f77fb517c66299be8b435b479
1media/Hannah Green, I Never Promised You a Rose Garden _thumb.jpg2020-04-13T13:52:28-07:00Anne-Marie Maxwell326ac6eff123bb3f77fb517c66299be8b435b479Hannah Green, I Never Promised You a Rose Garden (New York: Signet, 1964)3media/Hannah Green, I Never Promised You a Rose Garden .jpgplain2020-05-07T09:41:49-07:00Anne-Marie Maxwell326ac6eff123bb3f77fb517c66299be8b435b479