A Case of HysteriaMain MenuThe Altogether Shocking History of Women’s Mental HealthThe Anatomy of InsanityThe Wandering WombTheater Of The HystericsFather Freud Knows BestThis Place Will Make You CrazyThe Water CureHysterical ParoxysmThis Lobotomy Won't Hurt A BitShe Must Be MadShock The Pain AwayA Home For Inebriates And The InsaneThe Inmates Aren't Running The AsylumStories From The SanatoriumAgnes RichardsThe Ladies of RockhavenBaby BluesMaybe She's Born With ItStay Subservient!The Cost of Going Crazy in CaliforniaTill Commitment Do We PartAdditional Artifacts from Patton State Hospital, ca. 1930-1950Anne-Marie Maxwell
Just A Touch Of Electricity
12020-04-01T14:56:19-07:00Anne-Marie Maxwell326ac6eff123bb3f77fb517c66299be8b435b4793698010plain9782612020-04-22T15:21:03-07:00Curtis Fletcher3225f3b99ebb95ebd811595627293f68f680673eElectroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) and other procedures for treating the mentally ill began to face public criticism and litigation in the late 1960s and early 1970s. In that era, patients could still be forced to undergo ECT against their will. A group of former patients organized under the name Network Against Psychiatric Assault (NAPA) and petitioned the California legislature to adopt informed consent rules for mental health treatment. Assemblyman John Vasconcellos got Assembly Bill (AB) 4481 passed in 1974, which provided greater legal protections for the mentally ill. Under the new law, a physician recommending ECT was required to document its medical necessity. Both the patient and a professional committee had to sign off on it as well. To spur nationwide adoption of these protections, Ollie Bozarth and Jonika Upton testified to Congress in 1975 about their horrific ECT experiences. The benefits of ECT remain debatable and it is typically used only when all other options have failed. Modern ECT devices deliver a short, low-current pulse, which is thought to cause fewer cognitive effects. Today, antipsychotic drugs are overwhelmingly more popular modes of treatment.
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1media/Splash Hysteria.jpg2020-04-10T15:45:06-07:00Anne-Marie Maxwell326ac6eff123bb3f77fb517c66299be8b435b479A Case of Hysteria?Curtis Fletcher14book_splash2020-05-04T16:10:49-07:00Curtis Fletcher3225f3b99ebb95ebd811595627293f68f680673e
1media/52_thumb.jpg2020-04-15T09:25:47-07:00Anne-Marie Maxwell326ac6eff123bb3f77fb517c66299be8b435b479Testimony from Jonika Upton against Assembly Bill No. 1032, April 23, 19751Frank Lanterman Papers, USC Libraries Special Collectionsmedia/52.jpgplain2020-04-15T09:25:47-07:00Anne-Marie Maxwell326ac6eff123bb3f77fb517c66299be8b435b479
1media/Facts About Electroshock Therapy Brochure_thumb.jpg2020-04-07T12:35:48-07:00Anne-Marie Maxwell326ac6eff123bb3f77fb517c66299be8b435b479Facts About Electroshock Therapy Brochure, 19723Frank Lanterman Papers, USC Libraries Special Collectionsmedia/Facts About Electroshock Therapy Brochure.jpgplain2020-05-06T16:10:06-07:00Anne-Marie Maxwell326ac6eff123bb3f77fb517c66299be8b435b479
12020-04-15T14:18:39-07:00Anne-Marie Maxwell326ac6eff123bb3f77fb517c66299be8b435b479California Assembly Bill No. 44811gallery2020-04-15T14:18:39-07:00Anne-Marie Maxwell326ac6eff123bb3f77fb517c66299be8b435b479