Fatal Fiction: Taking a Deep Plunge Into the World of the Noir GenreMain MenuHow Do I Write a Noir Character?Noir Short Story Example & PromptThis is an example of a short noir story that I've posted here for you to reference and to spark your own creative writing.Noir VocabKey Noir ThemesThe Black Dahlia MurderJust to show you noir fiction wasn't all made up.L.A. Noire MusicWorks CitedMichael Morellicbd187edf6555aaa1d52d9b6d741cee7fd50c982
12015-11-04T23:42:05-08:00Fatal Fiction23plain2015-12-13T18:51:06-08:00Sit down, guys and dames, for you're about to hear some stories that are too dark and too menacing to ever make up. In this project, I will expose my students to the captivating world of noir fiction. The final project: to write their own Noir short story.
The rationale behind teaching about noir is that it is a sub-genre often overlooked in school, partly due to it’s violent, sexual, and dismal nature. However, I believe that noir should be taught since it gives students a chance to read something most of them will find unfamiliar, and give some students a new favorite genre to read in years to come. Additionally, I believe noir fiction is important in American culture, both historically during the mid 40’s and recently with the success of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo and the video game L.A. Noire. While much of current Western culture is already fascinated and captivated by by violence, I believe it could be useful for students already drowning in such media to appreciate similar literature, rather than only enjoying violent video games, movies, and music.