Fatal Fiction: Taking a Deep Plunge Into the World of the Noir Genre

Noir Vocab

While I expect my students to use this, I would check their short stories to use these words correctly, and in proper context. This page is just a reference with a short selection of words. The real test would be to use words on this page, and words from reading the text and doing their own research. 

The Characters
The femme fatale: an attractive woman who can seduce a man, but usually brings his downfall.  

Boob or sap: a stupid guy
Broad, baby, babe, chick, dame, girlie, kitten, sister, twist: woman
Bruno: a tough guy
Bulls: uniformed cops, prison guards.
Button man: a hired killer. All you have to is "push a button" and he'll do the job. 
Cat or gee: a man
Coppers: Cops and detectives
Flattie: flatfoot, a cop
Goon: A common thug
Greasers: Mexicans or Italians (referring to their hair) or, any sort of lower-class hoodlum.
Hatchetmen: gunman
Snooper: a detective

The drugs
Dope, hop: drugs
Dope fiend: a drug addict
Dope peddler: a drug dealer
Hophead: a drug addict, usually used in reference to heroin addicts
Jujus, refeers: marijuana cigarettes
Tea, mesca: marijuana
Snow-bird: someone addicted to cocaine or crack

The places
A dive: a cheap place
A dump: any sort of place, but usually a run-down place
A hash house: A cheap sort of restaurant.
A joint: any sort of place

The confusing
Duck soup: something easy 
Fin: five dollar bill
Wooden kimono: wooden coffin


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