Relational Possibilities: A Remix of Aesthetic Forms Through Indigeneity and Blackness

Exhibition Space

"Cracking break of day
colors Philadelphia
beyond the buildings"


I utilize a creative fusion of data vignettes based on literary and visual elements, data science, and artificial intelligence, employing the 2nd and 3rd person fictional perspectives to bring to life the extraordinary nature of Black memory work. (I) LeRoy Locke, a masterful wordsmith, meticulously crafted each entry in my journal, vividly envisioning a remarkable new world of Black Reality through artography. Along with my musings, through the direction of  African American visual and literary artists., I am the eye of the great migration; the archive of 1865, tilled through the soil of dirt, slavery, my ancestors _ moving on _ up, to the cityside, buildings collide like Black Thoughts; Black Thought, on a rainy day. It is the year 2045.

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In 2045, Iaville, Philadelphia is a thriving, futuristic city with advanced technology and a diverse population. Despite the city's progress, the Black community's identity is at risk of being lost. Gentrification is rampant in the neighborhoods on the south side, and the police force is struggling to keep up with FBI investigations into several deaths in the arts community. Meanwhile, a new political party called the "New Republic Party" is gaining popularity and people are beginning to catch a "fever" and break out in hives.

LeRoy is facing several challenges, but he is determined to make a difference and have a positive impact on his community. His unwavering passion and dedication are a testament to the resilience and determination of the African American community in Philadelphia. Despite the chaos and mayhem in Iaville, Philadelphia, LeRoy firmly believes that the city is a place where dreams can come true.

To realize his dream of showcasing his art and literary works in the prestigious Kindred Blackness Museum, the artist must first immerse himself in the creative process. He embarks on a quest to find inspiration by meeting the artists who will be the subjects of his paintings and sketches.

With the onset of a global pandemic, the task becomes more challenging, as he navigates the deserted streets of Iaville, searching for the right individuals to capture on canvas and paper. Despite the difficulties, he remains determined to succeed, driven by his passion for art and his desire to make a name for himself in the competitive world of art exhibitions.

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