Relational Possibilities: A Remix of Aesthetic Forms Through Indigeneity and Blackness

Exhibition Space

"Cracking break of day
colors Philadelphia
beyond the buildings"


I utilize a creative fusion of data vignettes based on literary and visual elements, employing the 2nd and 3rd person fictional perspectives to bring to life the extraordinary nature of Black memory work. (I) Malik, a masterful wordsmith, meticulously crafted each entry in my journal, vividly envisioning a remarkable new world of Black Reality through artography. Along with my musings, through the direction of  Alain LeRoy Locke., I am the eye of the great migration; the archive of 1865, tilled through the soil of dirt, slavery, my ancestors _ moving on _ up, to the cityside, buildings collide like Black Thoughts; Black Thought, on a rainy day. It is the year 2045.

Iaville, Philadelphia is a Black city brimming with rich cultural heritage and a vibrant African American community that has played a critical part in shaping the city's past, present, and future. From the Underground Railroad to the Civil Rights Movement, this community has been a driving force of progress and change and continues to push boundaries.

Fast forward to 2045, Philadelphia has evolved into a bustling sci-fi metropolis with advanced technology and a multicultural population. The streets were filled with hover cars and holographic billboards, but underneath the glitz and glamor, the Black community's identity was in danger of being hijacked. Gangs ruled the neighborhoods, and the police force was overwhelmed. It seemed like there was no end in sight to the chaos and mayhem.

Malik is determined to make his mark and leave a lasting impact on his community. His passion and dedication to achieving his goals are a testament to the resilience and determination of the African American community in Philadelphia. The city of Philadelphia is a place where dreams can

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