As I Remember It: Teachings (Ɂəms tɑɁɑw) from the Life of a Sliammon Elder

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This book is indexed by topic. The word cloud at the top of this page shows the relative prevalence of topics in this book. In the visualization below, you can also explore how topics (red circles) relate to book pages (orange circles). Select any word above or circle below to visit the page.
A master index is available by finding the “Explore by Content Type” icon edia icon at the bottom of the table of contents accessed from the menu icon edia icon in the header. The master index contains a hyperlinked catalog of all content in the book, divided into tabbed categories. Select the “Topics” category to see a list of all index entries.

Topics are generally not prefaced with the word “Indigenous,” as the understanding is that index entries are inherently Indigenous-based, unless otherwise noted to differentiate from settler focused entries.

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