This page was created by Anonymous. The last update was by Christopher B. Teuton & Hastings Shade, with Loretta Shade & Larry Shade.
tiyskʷat (Powell River)
Related pages:
- Boat Ramp at the Shinglemill
- Bows and Arrows
- Cafeteria
- Children “Playing Indian”
- The Chinese Restaurant
- The Dam
- Dam Construction
- A Day in Town
- Day School
- Designated Area
- Fish Traps (1)
- Fish Traps (2)
- Golfing “Indian”
- Hospital (1)
- Hospital (2)
- Hospital (3)
- Introduction: Listening to Ɂəms tɑɁɑw
- Lodge Interior
- The Mill
- Patricia Theatre
- Patricia Theatre, Interior
- Powell River Motor Traders
- The Powell River Royal Canadian Mounted Police
- Preparing Fish and Community Drive-Through
- Rodmay
- Rodmay Hotel
- Segregation
- Settlers’ Camp
- Sing Lee Building
- Society Lady “Indians”
- Territory
- tiyskʷɑt (1)
- Trading
- Walnut Lodge
- We Were Already Here
- Willie and Stanley
- Working Life