The Father Divine ProjectMain Menu"Inside the Kingdom": The Evolution of the Peace Mission"A Greater Picture of ME": The Peace Mission ArchiveSince the late 1930s, Father Divine and his followers oversaw the documentation of the Peace Mission's own history and public pronouncements in a weekly newspaper, with wire and tape recordings, film and photography."I Know You Are God": A Database Documentary by Will LuersAbout The Father Divine ProjectWill Luers2f0376b300f2ff7145f4f5c8f06d3ab51e0c730dLeonard Norman Primianob55769156974a9bf4a4c74973f47ef4191206d21
Photographic Archive
12010-08-05T17:20:15-07:00Craig Dietrich2d66800a3e5a1eaee3a9ca2f91f391c8a6893490102split2011-02-09T20:24:28-08:00Craig Dietrich2d66800a3e5a1eaee3a9ca2f91f391c8a6893490Photography: used in historical documentation, painted photos, formal iconic display and in a photoalbum: dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla dui quam, ultricies at elementum a, consequat eu tellus. Pellentesque ac tincidunt quam. Vivamus cursus augue eleifend sapien vestibulum feugiat. Nam ut magna nec velit posuere gravida. Duis nisi ante, rutrum auctor accumsan non, vehicula id eros. Pellentesque vitae justo ut leo vehicula semper sagittis et felis. Curabitur tristique bibendum lacinia. Nunc ante neque, semper ut auctor in, bibendum a neque. Mauris viverra adipiscing enim, at sagittis nibh facilisis id. Nulla dui nisi, mollis ut vehicula vel, eleifend eu arcu. Nam quis leo a dui luctus viverra at at neque. Proin sagittis ultricies varius. Vestibulum magna augue, mattis ut consectetur vel, ullamcorper vel erat. Sed luctus rhoncus luctus. Praesent neque nisi, consectetur at faucibus et, euismod luctus tellus. Quisque ullamcorper felis eget tortor lacinia id gravida purus viverra.
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1#39466c2010-08-27T22:55:51-07:00Craig Dietrich2d66800a3e5a1eaee3a9ca2f91f391c8a6893490"A Greater Picture of ME": The Peace Mission ArchiveWill Luers35Since the late 1930s, Father Divine and his followers oversaw the documentation of the Peace Mission's own history and public pronouncements in a weekly newspaper, with wire and tape recordings, film and photography.plain16682016-09-12T12:26:25-07:00Will Luers2f0376b300f2ff7145f4f5c8f06d3ab51e0c730d