This path was created by Craig Dietrich.  The last update was by Will Luers.

The Father Divine Project

About The Father Divine Project

The Father Divine Project is the effort of Dr. Leonard Norman Primiano and Will Luers to make public, maintain, and interpret selections from the enormous archive of a still-active, but aging, American religion. The interpretative lenses focus on the expressive culture of this distinctive religious community as evidenced in the archive's media artifacts. Ethnographic video documentation, as well as scholarly essays, provide both an artful and scholarly context for the movement. This digital archive presents the viewer, both lay and expert, with the opportunity to understand a complex story of race, religion and intentional communal living as experienced by the followers of one of the most unusual, and yet distinctively American, expressions of faith in United States religious history.

The Father Divine Project is a work-in-progress as long as Peace Mission members and Mother Divine herself live and practice their faith. Primiano continues his ethnographic research and scholarly writing. Luers continues to build this Scalar website as well as digitize and annotate photographs, films and audio files. We believe the hybrid model of the published scholarly monograph integrated with a multimodal website is most suited to this project and remains a good model for a sustainable digital humanities in general.


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