1 2012-05-04T22:21:29-07:00 Will Luers 2f0376b300f2ff7145f4f5c8f06d3ab51e0c730d 10 2 Sayville, Long Island (40 miles East of New York City) is where Father Divine’s ministry was transformed nearly overnight. In 1931, Father and Mother Divine (Peninniah) had purchased a house in the small white suburb of Sayville and there they held their Holy Communion banquet services where everyone was served “more than wine and a wafer.” In the middle of the depression, these multi-course feasts must have been miraculous. Visitors from all over, black and white, began arriving at 71 Macon Street, “the Home of the Soul,” to be fed and healed. The dancing and singing would often continue late into the evening. One night in 1932, there was a police raid on the house during a particulary spirited service. Father Divine and several followers were arrested. They were charged with disturbing the peace, but the case became about the white community’s fear of racial commingling. The events that followed turned Father Divine into a nationally known figure and brought tens of thousands to the belief that he was “God, condescended in a body.” plain 2012-05-04T22:25:16-07:00 Vimeo Will Luers 41599921 video 2012-05-05T00:36:40 Will Luers 2f0376b300f2ff7145f4f5c8f06d3ab51e0c730dThis page has paths:
- 1 2010-10-08T21:25:39-07:00 Craig Dietrich 2d66800a3e5a1eaee3a9ca2f91f391c8a6893490 "I Know You Are God": A Database Documentary by Will Luers Will Luers 43 gallery 2016-09-17T19:29:18-07:00 Will Luers 2f0376b300f2ff7145f4f5c8f06d3ab51e0c730d
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"Inside the Kingdom": The Evolution of the Peace Mission
The origins of The Peace Mission Movement can be traced to Sayville, Long Island where Father Divine came to public attention in the 1920s. He and his first wife, who was also African American, purchased in cash an eight room house as a home and worship space in a predominantly white residential area. A permanent group gathered around Father Divine in this house and in the surrounding neighborhood, and they lived a cooperative, communal lifestyle first in Long Island and later in Harlem where the Peace Mission became a major force within the African American community.Father Divine's movement expanded beyond the United States to Canada, Australia, Panama, England, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, and his models of community and the Banquet Service were extended there as well. His sermons were translated and read in French and German throughout the 1930s.In New York City, and especially in Harlem, he commanded enormous spiritual, economic, and political influence and respect. A 1939 New York Times article on "this large Negro community" ("It's Not All Swing In Harlem") assessed: "Harlem's intellectuals may deny the urge and decry the practice, but Harlem masses still believe in churches"... And Father Divine... [is] the most significant and dynamic personality Harlem has known in the past two decades....Father Divine has linked production, distribution, and consumption. And there is no magic or voodoo about his hold upon his followers. A big sign prominently displayed in the mission on 126th Street offers what many consider the best answer: "No true Divine follower on relief! Saved the City of New York $20,000,000 since 1932!" (Stewart 1939:20)Performance Americanism
Sayville, Long Island
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