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Border Codes

Mark Marino, Author

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Overview of the Transborder Immigrant Tool

The Transborder Immigrant Tool has 3 main components: the compass, the gps communication, and the poetry; however, we can break the application into a few more components.

Language: Java            Platform: J2ME           Hardware: Motorola i455

Parts of the Code

The code that creates the main interface, a rudimentary compass whose black arrow points in the direction of water cache waypoints. 

The Poetry
The code that delivers audio files at random intervals until a witching event occurs at which time audio guidance information takes precedence.

The code that delivers information leading the immigrant to a water cache.

The code that
receives information from satellites to determine geolocation of the immigrant in relation to the caches, using GPX format.

Some of the code is identical to that offered in the demo modules for writing applications for this platform.  That code is annotated as boilerplate.

Witching Events
A "witching event" is the term that TIT uses to indicate that moment when the system has identified a nearby water cache. 

The system also draws upon existing bodies of code, particularly the Walkingtools.

Walkingtools GPX

The Virtual Hiker Algorithm
Under development this tool suggests the best path for the hiker to take to reach the water.
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