Participants Profiles
Susan L. BURNS, Ph.D.
Research Fields
Social and Cultural History of Early Modern and Modern Japan
· Gender and women’s history
· Medicine, public health, and the body
· Nativist and Confucian discourses on society and culture
· University of Chicago, Ph.D. 1994, East Asian Languages and Civilizations
· Osaka University, Research Fellow, Jan. 1989- August 1991, Japanese History
· Jochi University (Tokyo), M.A., 1986, Comparative Culture
· College of William and Mary, B.A., 1982, East Asian Studies and History
Academic Appointments
· Professor, Department of History, University of Chicago, appointed 9/2018
· Associate Professor, Department of History, University of Chicago, appointed 9/2002-9/2018
· Associate Professor, Department of History, University of Texas at Austin, 9/2001-8/2002
· Instructor and Assistant Professor, Department of History, University of Texas at Austin, 1993-2001
· Instructor, Department of History, Connecticut College, 1992-1993
Monographs and Edited Volumes
· Before the Nation: Kokugaku and the Imagining of Community in Early Modern Japan (Duke University Press,
· Co-edited with Barbara Brooks, Gender and Law in the Japanese Imperium, 1868-1952 (University of Hawaii Press, 2015.
· The Kingdom of the Sick: A History of Leprosy and Japan, forthcoming from the University of Hawaii Press, May
Recent Peer-reviewed Articles and Essays
· "Sexual Violence and the Evidential Body: Forensic Medicine, Gender, and the Courts in Modern Japan," article for a special issue of Osiris on “Medicine and Law,” edited by Helen Tilley. (forthcoming)
· "Reinvented Places: Tradition, Family Care, and Psychiatric Institutions in Japan," Social History of Medicine, 25 September 2017.
· Susan L Burns, “The Japanese Patent Medicine Trade in East Asia: Women’s Medicines and the Tensions of Empire” in Angela Ki Che Leung and Izumi Nakayama Gender, Health, and History in Modern East Asia (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2017), 139-165.
ISOMAE Jun'ichi, Ph.D.
2010 Ph. D. in Religious Studies University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Professor, Head of the Department of World History and International Relations, Irkutsk State University
Tel. (3952) 241974 (of.)
He was born on March 4, 1956 in Irkutsk (Russian Federation). In 1978 he graduated from the Historical Faculty of the Irkutsk State University (ISU) and was accepted as an intern by a researcher at the Oriental Faculty of the Leningrad State University. Since 1984 has been Ass. Professor, and since 1986 an associate professor at the department of the New History and International Relations of the ISU. He became a professor at the Dep’t of World History and International Relations at the ISU in 1995. In 1996 he was elected the head of the Dep’t of Modern National History of the ISU. Since 2000, he has been Dean of the History Faculty of the ISU, and since October 2008, Head of the Dep’t of World History and International Relations of the ISU.
1979-1982 Post-graduate student of the Department of General History, Irkutsk State University
1982 – Assistant of the Dep’t of General History of the ISU
1984- M.A. Tomsk University, defended his thesis for a master's degree in general history on the topic "Anglo-Japanese
relations (1945-1964)"
1994 Ph.D. defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Japanese prisoners of war in the USSR (1945-1956"), Irkutsk
Research interests
history of Russian-Japanese relations, the history of Japanese studies and Oriental studies in Siberia, and the historiography of international relations.
He is the author of more than 330 scientific publications in Russia, the USA, England, Japan, Mongolia, France, Poland, Korea and
Author of monographs: クズネツォフ S.I. 『シベリアの日本人捕虜たち』、集英社、東京,1999; クズネツォフ S.I. 『完訳. シベリアの日本人捕虜たち』旭川, 廣本印刷株式会社2000. Memory and Identity: Japanese POWs in the Soviet Union // Japan and Russia. Three Centures of Mutual Images. – Folkestone, Kent: Global Oriental, 2008 (coauthor).
Awards and Grants
He received grants: in 1997 - a grant from JSPS (Japan) for a scientific internship at the University of Tsukuba (1997-1998). In 2000 - a grant from Soros for work in the archives of the Central European University. Visiting Professor of the Center for Northeast Asian Studies (NEAR), Shimane University (Japan) 2001, 2003, 2004, Fellow JSPS Fac. of Letters, University of Hokkaido (2007-2008). In 2017-2018- appointed professor of Eurasian-Slavic Research Center of University of Hokkaido.
Head of the Dissertation Councils on Historical Sciences at the ISU and the Institute of Mongolian Studies, Buddhology and Tibetology (Ulan-Ude). Member of the Academic Council of the Historical Faculty of the ISU. Honored Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation.
Member of the Scientific Council of the Interregional Institute of Social Sciences (Irkutsk). Member of the editorial board of the “Journal of Slavic Military Studies” (USA), “Bulletin of the Irkutsk University” (IGU), “Bulletin of the Laboratory of Ancient Technologies” (IrSTU), Bulletin of the Buriyat Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Science (UlanUde), Japan Studies ( Supervises postgraduate study. Under his leadership, 14 candidate and doctoral dissertations were defended.
Masaryk University, Lecturer in Department of Japanese Studies Arna Nováka 1/1, 602 00 Brno Phone: +420 774 987644
University of California, Berkeley Ph.D. (to be completed in 2019/2020)
Dissertation title: Japan and Germany after 1945: Parties, Politicians and Legacies of World War II
M.A. Political Science
KDI Public School of Management and Policy, Seoul
M.P.P. International Relations and Development Studies, summa cum laude
University of Economics, Prague
M.A. International Relations; Minor: Political Theory, with highest honors
B.A. Economics - International Economic Relations, with highest honors
Charles University, Faculty of Law LL.M. (incomplete)
As a visiting researcher/fellow:
The University of Tokyo, Institute of Social Science - Japan Foundation Fellow (2011 – 2012 and in 2017)
Free University of Berlin, Friedrich Meinecke Institute - DAAD Fellow (2012 - 2013)
Waseda University, School of Political Science and Economics, Tokyo
- JSPS Fellow and Waseda Anniversary Junior Visiting Research Fellowship (2013 - 2014)
Johns Hopkins University - American Institute for Contemporary German Studies
- Harry & Helen Gray/AICGS Reconciliation Fellow (Summer 2016)
"Compare or Not to Compare? Or How to Compare? The Problems in Contemporary German-Japanese
Memory Discourse.” American Institute for Contemporary German Studies – Johns Hopkins University
(16 November, 2016)
"Exit, Voice, and Refugees: A Case Study to Understanding Political Stability and Emigration in North Korea in
Mobile Subjects: Boundaries and Identities in Modern Korean Diaspora, Yeh Wen-hsin ed., IEAS Press - U.C.
Berkeley (2013), Peer-reviewed
“World War Two Legacies In East Asia - China Remembers the War” by Chan Yang (JEAS, 2019)
“Divergent Memories: Opinion Leaders and The Asia-Pacific War” by Shin and Sneider (Pacific Affairs, 2018)
“The San Francisco System and its Legacies” by Kimie Hara (Pacific Affairs, 2017)
“The Politics of War Memory in Japan” by K. Szczepanska (Pacific Affairs 2016)
“Imperial Eclipse: Japan’s Strategic Thinking About Continental Asia” by Yukiko Koshiro (JEAS, 2016)
“Sugisaranu kako to no torikumi : Nihon to Doitsu” by Satō Takeo (Social Science Japan Journal, 2015)
"War, Guilt, and World Politics after World War II" by Thomas Berger (Social Science Japan Journal, 2015)
“Confronting Memories of World War II: European and Asian Legacies" by Chirot, Seinder and Shin (Pacific
Affairs, 2015)
"Sugamo Diary" by Ryoichi Sasakawa (JEAS, 2015)
"Yasukuni Shrine, the war dead and the struggle for Japan's past" by John Breen (JEAS, 2014)
“History textbooks and the wars in Asia: divided memories" by Shin and Sneider (Pacific Affairs, 2013)
“Witness to Transformation: Refugee Insights into North Korea" by Noland and Haggard (Journal of Korean
Studies, 2011)
Masaryk University, Lecturer in Department of Japanese Studies Arna Nováka 1/1, 602 00 Brno Phone: +420 774 987644
University of California, Berkeley Ph.D. (to be completed in 2019/2020)
Dissertation title: Japan and Germany after 1945: Parties, Politicians and Legacies of World War II
M.A. Political Science
KDI Public School of Management and Policy, Seoul
M.P.P. International Relations and Development Studies, summa cum laude
University of Economics, Prague
M.A. International Relations; Minor: Political Theory, with highest honors
B.A. Economics - International Economic Relations, with highest honors
Charles University, Faculty of Law LL.M. (incomplete)
As a visiting researcher/fellow:
The University of Tokyo, Institute of Social Science - Japan Foundation Fellow (2011 – 2012 and in 2017)
Free University of Berlin, Friedrich Meinecke Institute - DAAD Fellow (2012 - 2013)
Waseda University, School of Political Science and Economics, Tokyo
- JSPS Fellow and Waseda Anniversary Junior Visiting Research Fellowship (2013 - 2014)
Johns Hopkins University - American Institute for Contemporary German Studies
- Harry & Helen Gray/AICGS Reconciliation Fellow (Summer 2016)
"Compare or Not to Compare? Or How to Compare? The Problems in Contemporary German-Japanese
Memory Discourse.” American Institute for Contemporary German Studies – Johns Hopkins University
(16 November, 2016)
"Exit, Voice, and Refugees: A Case Study to Understanding Political Stability and Emigration in North Korea in
Mobile Subjects: Boundaries and Identities in Modern Korean Diaspora, Yeh Wen-hsin ed., IEAS Press - U.C.
Berkeley (2013), Peer-reviewed
“World War Two Legacies In East Asia - China Remembers the War” by Chan Yang (JEAS, 2019)
“Divergent Memories: Opinion Leaders and The Asia-Pacific War” by Shin and Sneider (Pacific Affairs, 2018)
“The San Francisco System and its Legacies” by Kimie Hara (Pacific Affairs, 2017)
“The Politics of War Memory in Japan” by K. Szczepanska (Pacific Affairs 2016)
“Imperial Eclipse: Japan’s Strategic Thinking About Continental Asia” by Yukiko Koshiro (JEAS, 2016)
“Sugisaranu kako to no torikumi : Nihon to Doitsu” by Satō Takeo (Social Science Japan Journal, 2015)
"War, Guilt, and World Politics after World War II" by Thomas Berger (Social Science Japan Journal, 2015)
“Confronting Memories of World War II: European and Asian Legacies" by Chirot, Seinder and Shin (Pacific
Affairs, 2015)
"Sugamo Diary" by Ryoichi Sasakawa (JEAS, 2015)
"Yasukuni Shrine, the war dead and the struggle for Japan's past" by John Breen (JEAS, 2014)
“History textbooks and the wars in Asia: divided memories" by Shin and Sneider (Pacific Affairs, 2013)
“Witness to Transformation: Refugee Insights into North Korea" by Noland and Haggard (Journal of Korean
Studies, 2011)
09/2017-present Lecturer in Japanese History, University of East Anglia, UK
"Siberian Internment and the Transnational History of the Early Cold War Japan, 1945-1956." In Transnational Japan as History: Empire, Migration and Grass-Roots Movements, edited by Pedro Iacobelli, Danton Leary and Shinnosuke Takahashi, 71-95. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.
SATŌ Hiroo, Ph.D.
2011 “Changes in the Concept of Mountains in Japan,” in Cahiers d'Extreme-Asie 18, Kyoto.
Morgaine SETZER
Faculty of East Asian Studies, Department of Japanese History
Universitätsstraße 134, 44799 Bochum, Germany
phone: 0049 234 32 21857Academic employment
2017 – present Research associate in the department of Japanese History, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
06/2017 – 10/2017 Research associate in Japanese Studies, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Germany
2010 – 15 & 2016 – 17 Student & graduate assistant in the field of Cultural History and History of Ideas, Japanese Studies,
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Research interests
Early-modern cultural history and history of ideas, with a focus on the reception of gunki monogatari, their literary re-creations and historiographical features
05/2018 - present PhD student in Japanese Studies, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
2015 – 2016 Scholarship by German Academic Exchange Service, Rikkyo University, Tokyo
2014 M.A. in Japanese Studies, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
08/2013 – 10/2013 Short-term grant by Japan’s German Academic Exchange Service Tomo no kai, Tokyo
2011 B.A. In Japanese Studies, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
TAKAKURA Hiroki, Ph.D.
Academic Posts
Books (in Japanese)
Gurīfu kea o mijika ni-Kodomo o ushinatta kanashimi o idaite (Intimate grief care: embracing sorrow at the loss of a child), Tokyo: Bensei Shuppan, 2018
Kaii to Shintai no Minzokugaku; Ikai kara shussan to Kosodate wo toinaosu (Folklore Studies of the Spiritual and the Body: rethinking of childbirth and childrearing from the spiritual world), Tokyo: Serica Shobo, 2014.
Shussan kankyo no Minzokugaku: Dai sanji osan kakumei ni mukete (The Folkloristics and Cultural Anthropology of Childbirth), Kyoto: Showado, 2013
Articles in English
Where yōkai enter and exit the human body: from medieval picture scrolls to modern folktales in Japan,” in Studies in Japanese Literature and Culture (Kristopher Reeves, tansl.) , pp.61-72. Mar. 2019
“Depictions and Modellings of the Body Seen in Japanese Folk Religion: Connections to Yokai Images,” in Advances in Anthropology, Special Issue on Folk Life and Folk Culture (Walter Edwards, transl.), pp. 79-93. Apr. 2017
“The Glocalization of Childbirth in Japan and Palau,” in The Perspective of Glocalization Addressing the Changing Society and Culture under Glocalization. Center for Glocal Studies, Seijo University, by Tomoyuki UESUGI and Matori YAMAMOTO ed. pp. 59-81. 2016
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