Data source: Paintings
Raw data: RDF | JSON
The combined timeline painting is a composite of seven files:
Within the metadata associated with each painting, the sioc:primaryTopic property contains the URL to a 72 ppi version of the image, and the dcterms:isVersionOf property contains the URL to a 300 ppi version of the same image.
By clicking the "View metadata" link on each painting's page, you can view these properties in your browser.
The combined timeline painting is a composite of seven files:
- Section 1 (Top Strand)
- Section 1 (Bottom Strand)
- Section 2 (Top Strand)
- Section 2 (Bottom Strand)
- Section 3
- Section 4
- Section 5
Within the metadata associated with each painting, the sioc:primaryTopic property contains the URL to a 72 ppi version of the image, and the dcterms:isVersionOf property contains the URL to a 300 ppi version of the same image.
By clicking the "View metadata" link on each painting's page, you can view these properties in your browser.
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