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The Knotted Line

Evan Bissell, Author

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Data source: Painting sites

Raw data: RDF | JSON

Content is attached to the curves of The Knotted Line via painting sites (also sometimes referred to as portals). Visually, these painting sites can be seen as red dots which appear as each section of the timeline is opened.

Key properties for painting sites include:
  • A dcterms:spatial property containing its comma-delimited x and y coordinates (with 0,0 being the top-right corner of the timeline; positive x = right and positive y = down)
  • A dcterms:references property containing a comma-delimited list of node ids, identifying the nodes which must be “unlocked” through the user’s interaction with the animated curve before the painting site will appear.
In addition, painting sites may be tagged with multiple items (via the ctag:tagged property), as follows:
  • All painting sites are tagged with a painting site tag—if you visit the page for that tag, you can see an interactive visualization of the connections.
  • Each painting site is tagged with a gloss which determines the content of the black shape that appears when the user moves their cursor close to the painting site in the timeline.
  • Some painting sites are tagged with questions that appear as the user interacts with the site.
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