Learning for Fun: the Cleveland Museum of Natural History


Interactive teaching tools are seen in a variety of methods that range from counting blocks to digital programs. Although these go from basic to more sophisticated they serve the same purpose, to instruct in a way the engages the senses. These tools can also be more playful than traditional learning. Interactivity is important when discussing learning because it pulls the learner into the material without explicitly doing so. While in a school setting a student might suspect that the fun game or activity that they are doing is actually to teach them something, interactive activities outside of the classroom can be much more subtle and still have the same effect. The CMNH effectively and subtly teaches people through exhibits that are completed by the viewer engaging with them.

In an article published through the Harvard Graduate School of Education it discusses the benefits of interactive learning and as Eric Mazur, Balkanski Professor of Physics, said, “active learning, not passive [learning] makes it impossible to sleep through a class.” He goes on to discuss that active learning does not have to be something physical, it can be as simple as a conversation with a classmate, as long as it engages them and makes them more accountable for their learning (Anderson). Based off of the fact that a college professor is trying to engage his students more, students that are adults actively pursuing further education, is a good indicator that primary educators should be actively engaging their students to promote learning.

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