Exploration in Digital Literature

Introduction to Exploration in Digital Literature

"Exploration in Digital Literature" is an exhibition of four various digital literature works curated by Lucy Dunlop, Christina Dang, Amelia Tan, and Deena Lang. The theme of exploration is evident throughout each of these works. Our approach to this theme is that exploration of a physical space through a virtual medium reveals deeper meaning within each work. This concept of physical exploration can be achieved through examining body parts in My Body by Shelley Jackson, which was published in 1997. It can also be achieved through reading memoirs in Fitting the Pattern by Christine Wilks, which was published in 2008. Physical exploration is also possible through sound in Etheric Ocean by J.R. Carpenter, which was published in 2014. Lastly, it can be attained through navigating a physical city in Walks from City Bus Routes by J.R. Carpenter, which was published in 2015. Using the table of contents found below, the reader can navigate through our individual evaluations of each work. Each exhibition is dedicated to one of the four chosen e-lit works. 

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