Accounts of the British Empire

Contemporary Issue

During the 19th century the British forced opium onto the Chinese population even though the Chinese government didn’t want it in their country. They even fought a war over it, The Opium War. Today Mexican drug cartels smuggle cocaine into the United States even though the US government outlawed it a long time ago. They even fought a war over it, The War on Drugs.
Image result for mexican drug cartel
Seeing the parallels? Now the issues aren’t completely the same, England was a wealthier country forcing its will onto a weaker nation while, in the US’s case it is a problem caused by the criminal activities of another country. However the similarities are still many, Both suppliers were/are driven by a lust for greater wealth despite the moral consequences. The recipients on the other hand are vehemently against drugs, or at least the governments are. The United States outlawed Cocaine in the Harrison tax act of 1914, criminalizing the drug that used to be in Coca­Cola. The Chinese government was opposed to opium for a long time but was forced by China to sign the Treaty of Tientsin, which allowed the import of opium for specific uses. It was not again outlawed and suppressed until 1949. Both countries now have strict laws against the drugs

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