Accounts of the British Empire

Section 3 Overview: The Conditions of Natives in South Africa

Section 3 of Blacks and Whites in South Africa: an account of the past treatment and present condition of South African Natives under British and Boer control​, titled: The Conditions of Natives in South Africa, discusses several regions of southern Africa, including Rhodesia, Basutoland, Bechuanaland, Natal, British Central Africa, the Boer Republic, and the Cape Colony. These regions make up modern day South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, and Zimbabwe. The discussion in this section revolves around the current state of government in the region, how British control arose in each region and if there was resistance, demographics of the region, and any grievances of the natives. Another main talking point of this section is the prohibition of alcohol to the natives in each region, and how they deal with the Boer Republic and Orange Free State's encroachment on their land.

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