Making Our Own Kind of Music: The History and Legacy of the Women’s Music Movement

Angela Brinskele

Angela Brinskele is the Director of Communications at the June L. Mazer Lesbian Archives.  Angela was sure she was the only lesbian on the planet until about the time she went to college and was studying photography. There, her college banned the gay club. This made her angry. So she made a pledge that she would document the LGBTQ community and especially lesbians for the rest of her life. She was a staff photographer for the Lesbian News (The LN) and has been published in many newspapers and magazines nationally as well as on the world wide web.  She always appreciated the work of lesbian photographers who came before her, when she could find them, such as Joan E. Biren, Vaughan Rachel, Cathy Cade and Jill Posner and Tee A. Corrine.

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