We've Been Working on the Railroad!Main MenuThe Stevens ExpeditionStevens titleThe Northern Pacific Railroad SurveysSurveys titleBuilding the RailroadsBuilding titleWhy come to the United States?migration titleWho worked on the railroads?work titleOrganized labor and the railroadslabor titleRailroad hospitalshospitals titleRailroad-driven immigrationimmigration titleThe Legacy of the Railroadslegacy titlethe Historical Museum at Fort Missoula2ed0a4c76b15fe2d208dedaebb1fcaaa8b4d9c38
Organized labor and the railroads background
1media/labor_bg_thumb.jpg2020-07-29T12:46:47-07:00the Historical Museum at Fort Missoula2ed0a4c76b15fe2d208dedaebb1fcaaa8b4d9c38376441labor bgplain2020-07-29T12:46:47-07:00the Historical Museum at Fort Missoula2ed0a4c76b15fe2d208dedaebb1fcaaa8b4d9c38
Railroads have captured the public’s imagination. Initially, they were technological marvels. For over 100 years they were the lifeblood of the United States. In the west, with its vast prairies and isolated towns, railroads have been especially important. For good or ill, they were linked to nearly every important social development in the United States between the 1880s and the 1960s.
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