USS BUNKER HILL hit by two Kamikazes in 30 seconds on 11 May 1945 off Kyushu. Dead-372. Wounded-264.
12018-04-07T19:38:37-07:00Kathy Carrolld364bdaa9b95fbbc05a1bf042c3f2351221c92de294161Department of Defense. Department of the Navy. Naval Photographic Center. (12/1/1959 - ca. 1998) (Most Recent)plain2018-04-07T19:38:37-07:00Series: General Photographic File of the Department of Navy, 1943 - 1958 Record Group 80: General Records of the Department of the Navy, 1804 - 19835-11-19452018-04-05T16:37:47+00:0028-1118a.gifNavyKamikazeJapanWorld War IIPacificDepartment of Defense. Department of the Navy. Naval Photographic Center. (12/1/1959 - ca. 1998) (Most Recent)20th CenturyKathy Carrolld364bdaa9b95fbbc05a1bf042c3f2351221c92de
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12018-04-07T21:04:41-07:00Kathy Carrolld364bdaa9b95fbbc05a1bf042c3f2351221c92deWorld War IIKathy Carroll10Consider World War II From a Variety of Perspectivesvisindex6963062018-05-11T19:38:17-07:00Kathy Carrolld364bdaa9b95fbbc05a1bf042c3f2351221c92de