Naked Bodies - Continued
Paul Jacoulet
Japan, c. 1938
Woodblock print
Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Child
The portrait depicts two girls of high caste in traditional skirts and fine jewelry. The bracelets, earings, and necklaces are of tortoise, trochus, and other shells. Yagourough carries a flower in her pierced ear as it’s common for Yapese to carry items such as flowers, cigarettes, or chewing gum wrapping there. Their lips are stained a scarlet color by the juice of betel nuts, mint leaves, and ground coral lime, a common stimulant in Oceania. Mio is also featured in Jacoulet’s print PREMIER AMOUR.
Vanuatu, Malekula Island, 20th century
Beads strung on plant fiber bush string and bound together with cloth
Gift of Harland Givelber