Vision and Difference: Genealogies of Feminism Fall 2023

​​​​​​​Bibliography & Further Reading

Bibliography & Further Reading

Below you will find reference materials and writings that have been referenced and utilized by multiple authors on this site: 

Azoulay, Ariella. "What is a Photograph? What is photography?" Philosophy of Photography 1, no. 1, 2010, 9-13.

Barthes, Roland. Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography. New York: Hill and Wang, 1981.

Sontag, Susan. Regarding the Pain of Others, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2003.

Taylor, Diana. 2020. "Traumatic Memes." In ¡Presente!: The Politics of Presence. Duke University Press, 2020.

Sharpe, Christina. “Beauty Is a Method.” e-flux, no. 105, December 2019.

Butler, Judith. 2016. “Rethinking Vulnerability and Resistance.” In From Vulnerability in Resistance, edited by Judith Butler, Zeynep Gambetti and Leticia Sabsay, 12–27. Duke University Press.

Mulvey, Laura Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema

I Know You are Looking At Me

Freeman, Michael. Black and White Photography Field Guide: The Essential Guide to the Art of Creating Black & White Images, CRC Press, 2014.

Szörény, Anna. “The Images Speak for Themselves?: Reading Refugee Coffee-Table Books.” Visual Studies, vol. 21, no. 1, April 2006.

Glick, Peter and Susan Fiske “The Ambivalent Sexism Inventory: Differentiating Hostile and Benevolent Sexism” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, vol. 70, no. 3, 1996, 491–512. 

Bogre, Michelle. Photography as Activism, Routledge, 2012.

Ganjeh, Azadeh. 2022. "The Power of Unwanted Presence", Performance Research, 27:3-4, 105-111, DOI: 10.1080/13528165.2022.2155410

Lavender, Andy and Peetz, Julia. 2022. "On Protest", Performance Research, 27:3-4, 1-12, DOI: 10.1080/13528165.2022.2155388

Campt, Tina. A Black Gaze: Artists Changing How We See. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2021.

Can You See Me? 

Azoulay, Ariella Aisha. 2015. Civil Imagination: A Political Ontology of Photography. Verso.

Kaplan, E. Ann. 1983. "Is the gaze male?" in Women and Film: Both Sides of the Camera, Edited Kaplan. Routledge, 119-138.

Eisterer,  S. E. “Spatial Practices of Dissidence: Identity, Fragmentary Archives, and the Austrian Resistance in Exile, 1938–1945.” Aggregate 10 (November 2022),

Farago, Jason. “When Everyone Becomes a War Photographer.” The New York Times, 12 Oct. 2023.,

Look Again

Bryan-Wilson, Julia. Fray : art + textile politics. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2017.

Malabou, Catherine. Pleasure Erased: The Clitoris Unthought. Translated by Carolyn Shread. Hoboken: Polity Press. 2022.

Sullivan Kruger, Kathryn. Weaving the word : the metaphorics of weaving and female textual production. Selinsgrove [Pa.] : Susquehanna University Press; London: Associated University Presses, 2001. 

Michael Fried, "Art and Objecthood," in Art and Objecthood: Essays and Reviews (Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1998), 273.

Tucker, Jennifer. (2009), “Entwined Practices: Engagements with Photography in Historical Inquiry.” History and Theory 48, no. 4, pp. 1–8,

Bazin, A. (2004). What Is Cinema? Volume II. United Kingdom: University of California Press.

The World is Watching

Hartman, Saidiya Wayward Lives, Beautiful Experiments

hooks, bell. Ain’t I A Woman: Black Women and Feminism. Routledge, 2015.

hooks, bell. "The Oppositional Gaze: Black Female Spectators." Black Looks: Race and Representation, South End Press, 1992, pp. 115-131.

Kendall, Mikki. Hood Feminism: Notes from the Women That a Movement Forgot. Viking, 2020.

Novak, Lorie. "Photographic Interference." Lorie Novak's Portfolio, n.d.,

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