Virus Ecohorror

Introduction to The Stand

The Stand by Stephen King is questionably the longest novel he ever wrote. The story revolves around a man-made superflu that was accidentally released by the government into society in the United States; the virus ends up spreading across the entire world and killing 99% of the entire population. The remaining humans on Earth start to have strange dreams. The good people dream about Mother Abigail living in the cornfields, and the bad people dream about the demonic-sorcerer Randall Flagg. Both feel drawn towards either Mother or Flagg and feel inclined to seek them out. The remaining good individuals not affected by the virus make their journey across the United States to Boulder, Colorado to join Mother Abigail and the remaining bad individuals make their way to Las Vegas, Nevada to join Randall Flagg. Both parties face off in a battle between Good and Evil. The book is filled with many themes that develop in complexity as the novel progresses and provides a glimpse at what our world would look like if it were to be annihilated by a highly contagious, manmade virus.

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