The reproductive medium of chromogravure led Vingt dessins to be often dismissed by scholars, and only occasionally studied.[v] But contrary to this preemptive dismissal, the concept of experimentation with media and the intersections between technology and art-making preoccupied Degas throughout his career, and as such, Vingt dessins must be reconsidered in this light. The publication was not a solo effort, but rather a collaborative one, between Degas and Manzi, and thus Vingt dessins also provides the opportunity to reflect the role of collaboration in the oeuvre of an artist who is often considered (and not entirely without reason) a perfectionist and social misanthrope. The product, Vingt dessins, a published retrospective of Degas’ career as a draftsman, emphasizes his interest in curating his own legacy and the role that Manzi took in helping him to shape it.