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Vegas eliminates time and space

Arturo Olmos-Ceja, Author
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accomplishment that humans were able to complete is the reason all these
companies benefit. Electricity is able to get from one point to another in mere
seconds eliminating time and space because it has no use for it. Schivelbusch points
out a very important fact in his article “that in between, or travel space,
which it was possible to savor while using the slow, work intensive eotechnical
form of transport, disappeared on the railroads” (38). Many people though had
different opinions towards this revelation because some people were glad that
they were going faster or others were sad because they couldn’t take in all of
nature. Every one in Las Vegas though is very happy that the electricity
doesn’t mind about taking in the view because they are in desperate need of the
electricity. If Las Vegas could get its electricity magically it would do it
because even one second is too much to wait for the power hungry city. At the
moment though it has been able to get lots of electricity really quick and as
cheaply as possible. 

            With the city of Las Vegas needing
electricity from different places there were power grids set up in order for
Vegas to get the electricity it needed from were ever it could. As mentioned
before Las Vegas gets around eighty two percent of its electricity from the
Hoover Dam and the Reid Gardner generating station. Both these places are a bit
of a distance away from Las Vegas. Schivelbusch points out in his article that “when
modern transportation created a definite spatial distance between the place of
production and the place of consumption did the goods become uprooted commodities”
(40). Even though Schivelbusch most likely never had electricity in mind when
he stated this it never the less seems to fit. With Las Vegas part of the
national power grid it can get electricity from New York. Schivelbusch also
points out that “goods that are torn out of their local relations by modern
transportation, shared the fate of losing their inheritance space..... their
aura” (41). Unlike goods, electricity does not seem to be defined to a certain
place. It may be that the aura of electricity is completely gone since electricity
is now almost everywhere. Whatever the case may be, Las Vegas needs the
electrity to sustain itself and help many companies benefit.

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